Romans 13:7 [7] Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. (ESV) A theme that the Apostle Paul has emphasized through the book of Romans is the difference that Christ makes in our lives. Before we became believers in Jesus Christ we were rebels at the very core of our being. We lived to please ourselves and not to please God. Our ability to please God only comes after he has given us a new life in Jesus Christ. Christians and unbelievers will continue to live together in the same society. In this scenario all are being required to follow the man-made authority of the government we are all subject to. Paul's instructions on our relationship with governmental authority have everything to do with the testimony we have for Christ in our community. There were those in the time of the Early Church that tried to portray the Christians as rebels. It would have been e...
Welcome to Every Day Devotion. This daily devotional will help you in your walk with Christ. We will go verse by verse through Scripture. Please subscribe. Please share with your friends on Social Media. Be blessed in the Lord! Rev. Kevin Zufall. P.S. Drop me a line if this devotional encourages you.