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Showing posts from March, 2019

James 4:1: What Causes Quarrels And What Causes Fights Among You?

James 4:1 [1] What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? (ESV) There is a story told of a church quarrel that went something like this: "The business meeting at First Baptist was well into its second hour. It had been another cantankerous one. Lots of angry comments, snide remarks, and power plays. And, making it especially sad, the issue on the table wasn’t even an important one. The debate was over a relatively minor recent change to the church’s worship service. Finally, one of the older members stood. He paused for a moment, looking down at his feet, thinking about how exactly to share what he was thinking. Several members shifted in their seats waiting on the old man to finally speak. At last, he did. “Who, in hell, cares?” he said. A couple of the ladies gasped at what they thought he’d said. He continued, “Don’t mishear me. I didn’t just use vulgar language. I asked a question. Who, in hell,...

James 3:18: A Harvest Of Righteousness Is Sown In Peace By Those Who Make Peace

James 3:18 [18] And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (ESV) I am not a good farmer. In fact, while some have a green thumb, I like to say that I have a black thumb. While I am not a good farmer I do know a little about it. Very little. I know two basic principles that apply to what James is talking about in this verse. He is speaking of reaping a harvest of righteousness. In order for us to have the proper harvest there are two things that I know for certain. If you want to reap a certain type of plant you must plant the right seed. The other thing I know is that if you do not care for what you have planted it will not yield what you want because weeds will also grow around it and choke it out. Let's consider the seeds. It seems to be a no-brainer that you must plant the right seeds. The harvest that James is talking about is righteousness. Where many fail is that they think that their own righteousness will turn into God's righteous...

James 3:17: But The Wisdom From Above Is First Pure, Then Peaceable, Gentle, Open To Reason, . . .

James 3:17 [17] But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. (ESV) Every church has them. Some have council meetings. Others have deacons meetings. There are congregational meetings. Committee meetings. All kinds of people show up at these meetings. I am sure that the goal in these meetings is to share wisdom from all the different parties involved and come up with workable solutions to problems or challenges in the church. If you have ever been in one of those meetings I want you to think about the last meeting you were in. Would you describe the wisdom that came from your meeting in this way:  "The wisdom from my meeting I attended was pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."? I would love to think that everyone who has been in a church meeting would describe them the way James describes God's wisdom. But I know ...

James 3:16: For Where Jealousy And Selfish Ambition Exist, There Will Be Disorder And Every Vile Practice.

James 3:16 [16] For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. (ESV) I love fish aquariums. From time to time I have had various kinds of tropical fish of many different varieties. I love angel fish. I love cichlids. Both of these varieties of fish have inherent beauty. They grow to a fairly large size also. As much as I love them both I have discovered something. They cannot both be in the same tank. Cichlids will eat angel fish. At the very least they will harass them until they die. So, I now know from experience that I either have a tank with cichlids only, or I have a tank with other fish, like angel fish, and no cichlids. Cichlids do not play nice with other fish. The only fish I can put with cichlids is other cichlids. So, what does a fish tank have to do with today's verse? Imagine the body of Christ like a huge aquarium. The outside world is watching. They are hoping to see us behaving in cooperative ways like t...

James 3:15:This Is Not The Wisdom That Comes Down From Above, But Is Earthly

James 3:15 [15] This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. (ESV) There are two kinds of wisdom. There is wisdom that has its source in God. It is meek. It is not loud and self-serving. It is not boastful. It is pure. The results of that wisdom is evidenced by godly conduct. God's people who truly have wisdom that they received from God demonstrate that wisdom with godly character. Today's verse describes the other kind of wisdom. Earthly wisdom. Before going further, consider the wisdom that you commonly hear in our world. The wisdom of man has produced doctors attempting to convince us that slaughtering a child in a mother's womb is a woman's right. Man's wisdom has produced a view of cosmology that is absent of God's existence. Humanistic philosophy has been behind mass genocide and torture of millions. Earthly wisdom is not really wisdom at all. James describes earthly wisdom as unspiritual and demonic. ...

James 3:14: But If You Have Bitter Jealousy And Selfish Ambition In Your Hearts

James 3:14 [14] But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. (ESV) Knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is something that we are instructed to grow in. We are to pursue knowledge of the Word of God. We are to seek after Jesus Christ, growing in our knowledge of him. Knowledge, if used properly can help us to more effectively live our lives for Jesus Christ. If we used knowledge improperly we can destroy ourselves and those whom we come in contact with. Let's take a look at the previous verse. It will help us to put today's verse in context. James 3:13 [13] Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. (ESV) Those who are wise and understanding are to use what they have learned in meekness. Their good conduct will show that their heart is in the right place. In today's verse James offers a warning that if we have bitter jealousy and self...

James 3:13: Who Is Wise And Understanding Among You?

James 3:13 [13] Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. (ESV) When I was a child I used to love to watch the Three Stooges. They would have to be the definition of the opposite of wisdom. Every foolish blunder was funny to watch. The foolish things they did, however, did not just affect the one making the mistake. Each of them were affected by the foolish deeds of the others. James is talking to the church. He is promoting the idea of being wise and understanding. In a church situation wisdom and understanding is vital, yet in many ways it is lacking. Some people have titles of authority, yet they use it to bully others. Instead of acting godly, some people in the church treat others like Mo treated Larry and Curly. Who is wise and understanding? It should be shown by their good conduct. James makes the point that wisdom is not something that someone should just hold within themselves, while they quiet...

James 3:11-12: Does A Spring Pour Forth From The Same Opening Both Fresh And Salt Water?

James 3:11–12 [11] Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? [12] Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water. (ESV) There are certain things about nature that we should be very grateful for. I am thankful that every single day I can count on the law of gravity. It helps to know that I can walk across the floor without worrying about whether my feet will hit the ground with each step. No worries about floating through the air. The law of gravity is a constant. James uses some illustrations from nature that remind us of how we are to be constant with the words that come out of our mouths. When people see us open our mouths they should have confidence that they will hear words that are full of blessing, not cursing. When there is inconsistency in what comes out of our mouths it causes great confusion because it does not match our claim to be a Christian. We do not get fresh and ...

James 3:10: From The Same Mouth Come Blessing And Cursing

James 3:10 [10] From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. (ESV) It was an evening like many others. There were a small number of people gathered around large folding tables. The smell of mediocre quality coffee let its presence be known with a smell that boasted a greater flavor than the liquid could provide. Above this meeting place was a sanctuary that on Sunday morning would be filled with the praises of God's people. But not down here in this room. This room was for the business of the church. Agendas were distributed. Roll was taken. Minutes were read. Opinions were shared. It was a night like many others. I remember this night. It was the night that words turned into hateful barbs meant to destroy. It was the night that seemed to forget the proximity of a "sanctuary" that would have been repulsed by such painful words. Blessing and cursing. It amazed me then, and continues to amaze me now, how people who m...

James 3:9: With It We Bless Our Lord And Father, And With It We Curse People

James 3:9 [9] With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. (ESV) What a strange thing that God has given to us. James is speaking here of our tongue. He talks about the ways that we use it and also abuse it. With great freedom comes great responsibility. (Shameless reference to Spiderman acknowledged.) We find ourselves blessing the Lord, and yet using the same tongue to curse people whom he has created. Do you wonder that God gave us a tongue at all. Imagine for a moment that you were God. Would you give creatures the ability to curse your name? It would be tempting for us, if we were in his position, to make robotic creatures who could only bless, and not curse, with the tongue we were to give them. Now imagine what God did in sending his son, Jesus to Earth. Jesus comes to those who would ultimately despise and reject him. In spite of their hatred and rebellion he willingly lays down his life for them. What does he ...

James 3:7-8: No Human Being Can Tame The Tongue

James 3:7–8 [7] For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, [8] but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. (ESV) I love going to the zoo. I also love aquariums. God has made some truly amazing animals. It is fascinating to recognize all the variety in God's creation. Massive elephants using their trunks to feed themselves and even give themselves a shower! I love the whimsical play of dolphins who seem to have an almost human intelligence. James reminds us that all kinds of beasts, on ground and in the sea, have been tamed by man. Perhaps you have seen killer whales jumping through hoops at Sea World. Or maybe you have gone to a circus and seen tigers performing tricks. These animals can be fierce and kill their prey. Yet, mankind has found a way to bring them into submission. Consider for a moment what James is telling us today. We can tame a vicious lion. We can bri...

James 3:6: The Tongue Is A Fire, A World Of Unrighteousness

James 3:6 [6] And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. (ESV) I have always found it amusing when I hear people say that mankind is basically good. They have hope because they believe in the good of humanity. I do not have faith in the good of myself, much less the rest of humanity! One of the reasons I do not believe in the good of humanity is that I believe the Bible is true. The truth of Scripture informs us of our sinful condition. Our human nature is sinful at its core. It loves to rebel against God's Law. It seeks to please itself at all times. It does not care who it hurts to get what it wants. How does the tongue factor into this terrible sinful nature? The tongue gives voice to all of the sinful desires that rage inside of us. It is bad enough that our desires are evil. When we open our mouths and speak our sin can now hurt o...

James 3:3-5: The Tongue Is A Small Small Member, Yet It Boasts Of Great Things

James 3:3–5 [3] If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. [4] Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. [5] So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! (ESV) Imagine a person who seems to have it all. They graduated with a degree from Harvard, first in their class. Perhaps, they have been a part of creating a new cure for a disease. Maybe they have made a lot of money and have even given it all to charity. They seem to be wonderful beyond belief. And then they open their mouth. . . I have met many people who would have done well to simply keep their mouth shut. You can have all kinds of worldly success, but if you have not learned to control your tongue you are a loose cannon ready to go off and bring destruction at any time. ...

James 3:2: If Anyone Does Not Stumble In What He Says, He Is A Perfect Man

James 3:2 [2] For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. (ESV) I have some bad news. You are not perfect. This may come as a terribly depressing shock to you, but it's true. Don't feel bad. I am not perfect either. James tells us in this verse that we all stumble in many ways. No one is exempt from the depraved corruption that is a part of every human being's very nature. Can you imagine meeting someone who was perfect? What would that be like? They would get angry at an injustice, yet not lash out in hateful speech at the one who wronged them. The perfect person would make sure that everything they did built others up instead of ever tearing someone down. The perfect man would be full of grace. Do you know that James knew the perfect man? James is a brother of Jesus himself. I am sure that he spent his whole life being told, "Why can't you be more like Jesus?...

James 3:1: Not Many Of You Should Become Teachers, My Brothers

James 3:1 [1] Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (ESV) Recently, I had the privilege of visiting two of my favorite teachers that I have ever known. They both live in Florida. One was my professor from Bible College. I had a strict policy when I was in Bible college; whatever this one professor taught I took the class. The other teacher I went to visit was my father. For my whole life he has taught me truth from Scripture. There is a tremendous value that we can attach to those who faithfully and accurately teach the Word of God. The men I mentioned influenced and continue to influence my life to this day. Their commitment to defending the truth of the Bible has helped me in my faith and enabled me to teach others. Without great teachers I would not be a teacher myself. James puts things into perspective in this verse. Teaching is not for everyone. Of course, he is talking about teaching ...

James 2:26: For As The Body Apart From The Spirit Is Dead, So Also Faith Apart From Works Is Dead

James 2:26 [26] For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. (ESV) There is a word that sums up what James has been saying here in the past few verses, and what he is saying in today's verse. That word is authenticity. In the church we are love to use the word faith. We have learned from James that the one who claims to faith yet does not prove it by their actions are proving that they are a fraud. Their faith is dead. They are not authentic. I want to give you an example of how important being authentic is. There is a current trend in many churches today where the idea is to make the Sunday Worship service so entertaining that the Millenials, a younger group of people, will be drawn to the cool music, lights, fog, fancy coffee drinks in the lobby, etc. This entertainment driven model of church growth has problems. This biggest problem with this model of church growth is that it does not connect with millenials. In addition, the c...

James 2:25: Rahab The Prostitute Was Justified By Works

James 2:25 [25] And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? (ESV) I love that James is talking about the redemption of a prostitute. I love it because it shows how awesome our God is. His love is for all who will place their faith in him. No sin is too large. No person is beyond the  reach of our loving God. Rahab is an example of faith who is mentioned several times throughout Scripture. Here is a brief summary of the story of Rahab. The people of Israel were about to destroy Jericho. They sent spies to check out the land. They met Rahab in the city and she hid them from the authorities who were looking for them. Because of what she did, her family was spared when the walls of Jericho fell. James says that Rahab was justified by works. Again, this verse needs to be taken into the context of the rest of Scripture. These works that she did gave evidence of a faith that was alrea...

James 2:24: You See That A Person Is Justified By Works And Not By Faith Alone

James 2:24 [24] You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. (ESV) When I was a kid there was a man who used to stop by the house every now and again named Had. Yes, that was his name. Had would make me a promise every time he came to the house. He promised he was going to bring me ice cream the next time he came to the house. Time after time Had would come to the house. Never was there any ice cream. This is more than a story about a boy disappointed in what he never had (pun intended). The reality is that if Had wanted to be known as a genuine giver of ice cream he would have had to produce some!  Preferably he would have produced some mint chocolate chop ice cream, but even vanilla would have justified his claim that he was going to give me ice cream. Had was a fraud. James is also saying that anyone who claims to have genuine faith must demonstrate it by works. It justifies their claim. There are many people who claim to know the Lord, but their...

James 2:23: And The Scripture Was Fulfilled That Says, "Abraham Believed God, And it Was Counted To Him As Righteousness"

James 2:23 [23] and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. (ESV) You can tell something about a person by looking at who their friends are. Have you ever talked to someone and found out that they were a close friend of someone famous? We can get kind of star struck. I once met a hero of mine in the music world and was delighted that he was such a down to earth guy. I thought, we could maybe be friends! James looks back in biblical history at the great man Abraham. He says that Abraham was called a friend of God. I don't know about you, but there is no one in the universe I want to have as a friend more than God. What a title! Abraham, friend of God. Do you tell others that God is your friend? Have you considered that a possibility? Let's look at what happened that enabled Abraham to ultimately be known as a "friend of God."  Abraham believed God. Think of th...

James 2:22: You See That Faith Was Active Along With His Works

James 2:22 [22] You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; (ESV) Faith is not just a feeling. Faith is not a temporary thing. Faith is something that has an object, and as James tells us here in this verse, Faith has a destination. There are many people who say, "just have faith." Faith in what? As believers in Jesus Christ we know that our faith is in God, who purchased our salvation by the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ. James is using an illustration from the Old Testament, talking about how Abraham showed his faith by works. In fact, he says, his faith was completed by his works. I want to focus on this idea that his faith was completed by his works. In other words, our faith has a destination. We have faith in God. Our faith is in something that is true, but is not yet seen. The day will come when our faith will be complete. Abraham was a man who believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. His fai...

James 2:21: Was Not Abraham Our Father Justified By Works

James 2:21 [21] Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? (ESV) What would you be willing to sacrifice to prove that your faith in God was genuine? Perhaps you would be willing to make a large monetary donation to your local church. Maybe you would be willing to travel to a foreign country for a missions work. How about sacrificing your first born to the Lord? That sounds severe, doesn't it? There is an account in the Old Testament where Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to the Lord. This is one of the most difficult sections of Scripture to read. We know that God was very much against child sacrifice. In fact, the judgment of God was against all the Canaanite nations who practiced child sacrifice to their false gods. Let's look briefly at the account in Genesis: Genesis 22:1–2 [1] After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” [2] He said, “Take your son, your...

James 2:20: Do You Want To Be Shown, You Foolish Person, That Faith Apart From Works Is Useless?

James 2:20 [20] Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? (ESV) There is some strong language here in this verse. James is challenging the one whom he calls a foolish person. Likely there would have been some people in the church that were being misled by a false understanding of faith. James is ready to set the record straight. The one who thinks they can have faith apart from works is a fool! In many of our churches today, James would be controversial, even offensive. I am sure that there would be people who would resign their membership and join the Church of the Happy Handshake down the road. I mean, after all, how dare someone tell them that they are a fool? They go to church to have someone make them feel good! James makes a distinction here between a genuine faith that is alive vs. a dead, ineffective, useless faith that has no works. It seems that one of the things that the church is good at is declaring that God loves us and...

James 2:19: You Believe That God Is One

James 2:19 [19] You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! (ESV) Faith always has an object. We have faith IN something, not ABOUT something. For instance, you will probably place your faith in the laws of physics which gives you confidence that you can walk across the room without your feet coming off the ground. The law of gravity is a law of physics that you have faith in. If one is to have the saving faith that transforms them and gives them a new life in Christ Jesus, they must have their faith IN God. In this verse James is describing someone who has faith ABOUT God. They believe that God is one. That is something that they have faith about. But they have not placed their faith IN that God. James is unimpressed. He says, even demons believe God is one! So, if you would like to have faith a level higher than your average pawn of Satan, you will have to do more that have faith ABOUT God, and move to a faith IN God. Part of the problem f...

James 2:18: I Will Show You My Faith By My Works

James 2:18 [18] But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (ESV) There are certain things in life that go together. Peanut butter and jelly. Double stuff Oreo cookies and milk. Faith and works. James raises the point that someone might argue that faith and works can be separated. "One will say, "You have faith and I have works." Is it ok for works to be separated from faith? James is making the argument that faith and works are not to be separated. James is saying to the one who has faith only, with no works, that he wants them to see his faith by his works. In other words, if you are going to claim to have faith, but have no works, you have no evidence of faith. If I am to believe that a person has genuine faith I can only see that by their works. Faith brings action. There are so many people to claim to have some kind of faith, yet when it comes down to it, their...

James 2:17: Faith By Itself, If It Does Not Have Works, Is Dead

James 2:17 [17] So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (ESV) In the previous verses James used an illustration of a person offering to make a hungry person to be filled with food, yet never actually giving them anything. Their words of compassion were completely phony because they were not accompanied by the actual food that was needed. True compassion is followed by action. "So also, . . ." In the same way that compassion without action is phony, faith without works is phony as well. It is important that we recognize that it is not our works that save us, but our works accompany genuine faith. As Paul makes clear in Ephesians 2:8-10 we are not saved by our works, but we are saved UNTO good works. The works are evidenced of a genuine faith. Ephesians 2:8–10 [8] For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast. [10] For we are his workmansh...

James 2:15-16: If A Brother Or Sister Is Poorly Clothed And Lacking In Daily Food

James 2:15–16 [15] If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, [16] and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? (ESV) For many years I have been a preacher of the Gospel. There is an inherent danger in the job of preaching. It is easy to get so caught up in speaking the truth that one can forget to also back up the words with actions. It is one thing to tell people that God will provide for their lives, but it is another thing to ask God how he wants to use us to accomplish that divine purpose of provision. James gives us a very graphic picture in these two verses. Imagine a poor, starving child that we essentially ignore while saying some nice words to them. That's not enough. If the child needs food and we say that God will fill them with good food, but do not provide it, we are being hypocrites. True faith is evidenced by action. I believe that there are...

James 2:14: What Good Is It, My Brothers, If Someone Says He Has Faith But Does Not Have Works?

James 2:14 [14] What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? (ESV) We assume that faith is always good, don't we? I have heard people say, "Well, as long as you have faith, that's all that matters." A good question to ask when someone claims that all we need is some kind of faith is, "Faith in what?" Faith is irrelevant if it does not have an object. We have faith in something or someone. In the context of this verse James is referring to saving faith in God. The object of faith is God. James goes further than just question the object of a person's faith. Here he questions also the genuineness of their faith in God. James is concerned about those who have false confidence. They may think that they are right with God, and even claim to have faith, but that faith is false. James makes the claim that the person whose faith will not save him has no works. At first glance this verse see...

James 2:13: For Judgment Is Without Mercy To One Who Has Shown No Mercy

James 2:13 [13] For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. (ESV) How do you react when someone wrongs you? When someone cuts you off in traffic is your first response to wish that the driver who offended you receive a traffic violation ticket? If you are verbally assaulted by a relative do you respond with an appropriate shunning of that person? If someone were to take the innocent life of someone you love would your respond by wishing them dead, or maybe even taking action to that effect? Sadly, our natural tendency is to demand judgment for anyone who has wronged us for any reason. While responding to people with a demand for judgment is a human tendency it should not be the tendency of someone who knows God. James tells us in this verse what our response should be. Mercy. Judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Who is James referring to? James is describing a person who has not received the divine mercy of Go...

James 2:12: So Speak And So Act As Those Who Are To Be Judged Under The Law Of Liberty

James 2:12 [12] So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty. (ESV) We don't like laws. Let's just be honest. There is something inside everyone of us that wants to buck the system. If the speed limit is 65 we want to go 66. If someone tells us that we cannot do something the first thing we want to do is the very thing that we are told not to do. This is not just a childhood condition. It is a lifelong ailment. At the core of our heart is rebellion. Before we come to Christ rebellion is all that we know. When an unbeliever encounters God's Law he wants to go against it. Man, in his natural state, is not good. Man is naturally bound to sin and lawlessness. The Apostle John said, "Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness" (I John 3:4). So, how should the believer in Jesus Christ act in regards to the Law? In our passage today James tells us to speak and to act as those who are to ...

James 2:11: He Who Said, "Do Not Commit Adultery, Also Said, "Do Not Murder."

James 2:11 [11] For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. (ESV) Many people play games when it comes to sin. They look at the sins that they have not done and ignore the sins they have done. How many times have you heard a person claim to be a good person and follow it up with a claim, "Well, I have never killed anyone." At the same time that person, if they were honest, could list a host of other sins they were guilty of. I am convinced that one of the evidences of a true child of God is not their willingness to excuse or rationalize sin, but rather their willingness to embrace the sobering reality that their very nature is stained completely with sin. The natural bent of a person who has truly encountered God is still towards rebellion. It is a reality we all have to deal with. When I think of someone who comes across as one of the most godly people...

James 2:10: For Whoever Keeps The Whole Law But Fails In One Point

James 2:10 [10] For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. (ESV) As humans we love to think that we are good people. In fact, if you ask the average person on the street if they think they are a good person they will likely say yes. If you press them on what makes them good, you will very likely get an answer that suggests that they are good because they are better than other people, i.e. murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. This idea that we are good because we are better than certain others is a standard of holiness based on man's standard of holiness. However, man's standard is not the same as God's standard. What is God's standard of holiness? The Law. The Law of God that we find in Scripture can be summed up in two main points: To love God with all of our hearts, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. James gives us a clear understanding of how hard it is to keep God's Law. If we fail at one point of the Law we...