Philippians 3:18 [18] For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. (ESV) Paul was passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He literally gave his life defending it. He was gravely concerned that those who had heard the message of the Gospel stay as strong as he was in defending it's truth. In this chapter he has been warning the believers in Philippi about the Judaizers whose false teaching was a Gospel of works, not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is by grace. Paul reminds the Philippians that he his warning is not a new one. He has told them often, and even now with tears he warns them of these enemies of the cross of Christ. I want to actually focus on that last phrase because it is very significant. Those who preach a Gospel of works are not described as "members in good standing," "deacons," or "faithful givers." They are called enemies of the cross of Christ. I ca...
Welcome to Every Day Devotion. This daily devotional will help you in your walk with Christ. We will go verse by verse through Scripture. Please subscribe. Please share with your friends on Social Media. Be blessed in the Lord! Rev. Kevin Zufall. P.S. Drop me a line if this devotional encourages you.