Romans 1:32: Though They Know God's Righteous Decree That Those Who Practice Such Things Deserve To Die
Romans 1:32 [32] Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. (ESV) Have you ever had to punish your child and when you confronted your young one on the offense that they committed they responded, "I didn't know!"? If a child truly did not know that their behavior was offensive we could perhaps excuse what they did. Is it possible that mankind can stand before God's judgment and say, "I didn't know!"? The Apostle Paul says no. In the previous verses Paul has listed every kind of sin imaginable. Sexual immorality, murder, envy, malice, arrogance, gossip, disobedience to parents, and even being inventors of doing evil. The apostle makes a strong claim. He says that man knew God's righteous decree that practicing evil brings death, but they not only committed the sins, but approved others who did them. This is quite an indictm...