James 2:10
[10] For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. (ESV)
As humans we love to think that we are good people. In fact, if you ask the average person on the street if they think they are a good person they will likely say yes. If you press them on what makes them good, you will very likely get an answer that suggests that they are good because they are better than other people, i.e. murderers, rapists, thieves, etc.
This idea that we are good because we are better than certain others is a standard of holiness based on man's standard of holiness. However, man's standard is not the same as God's standard. What is God's standard of holiness? The Law. The Law of God that we find in Scripture can be summed up in two main points: To love God with all of our hearts, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
James gives us a clear understanding of how hard it is to keep God's Law. If we fail at one point of the Law we are guilty of all of it. Think of it this way. If we fail to love God with all of our hearts we will be hindered in our ability to love our neighbor. If we fail to love our neighbor how can we approach God who loves our neighbor and calls us to do the same?
We who belong to Christ are declared holy, not because we are considered better than other people. We are considered holy because the one who fulfilled the whole law perfectly, Jesus Christ, imparted his righteousness to us. We receive that gift of righteousness by faith. As we draw closer to Christ we will be able to live in such a way that is more in conformity with His Law.
How holy are you? Are you depending on your own ability? You will have to be perfect. I encourage you to place your faith in Jesus Christ. He will give you his holiness.
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