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Romans 12:4-5: For As In One Body We Have Many Members

Romans 12:4–5
[4] For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, [5] so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (ESV)

We know that it is true that we have many members in our physical body. We know it in theory. We know it to be even more true when just one of those parts of our body decides not to work like it was designed to. If one side of your heart stops working you are going to be in serious trouble. Perhaps a thyroid gland, a kidney, or a kidney? If one of these members stops working we know about it.

Every part of our body is important. Paul uses this wonderful illustration to remind us that every part of the body of Christ is important. Think about the woman who is in her senior years in the church. She does not have much money to put into the offering. She cannot sing or preach. What we may not realize is the hours she spends on her knees praying over the needs of the church.

Every day there are people who belong to the body of Christ and never get noticed. We only realize how important they are after they are gone and there is a gap left behind where there ministry once was. As members of a church we need to encourage each other to understand just how important we all are in carrying out God's mission.

I love how Paul reminds us that we are members one of another. One of the sad realities in many churches today is bickering and fighting amongst members of the body. If we truly comprehended the fact that we are members one of another we would treat each other differently. If I am mistreating a part of the body of Christ, I am really mistreating my own body. We belong to each other.

What role do you play in the body of Christ? Do you recognize the difference you are making? Do you strive to help others to see their value in the body of Christ? Ask God to help you treat the body of Christ like you would treat Christ himself.
