2 Peter 1:14: Since I Know That The Putting Off Of My Body Will Be Soon, As Our Lord Jesus Christ Made Clear To Me.
2 Peter 1:14
[14] Since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. (ESV)
[14] Since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. (ESV)
If the Lord was willing to tell you the time of your imminent death, would you want to know the date? If so, what would you do with the time that remained. I am sure that a person who did not know Jesus Christ as their Savior would probably live out every sensual pleasure possible. For a believer in Jesus Christ, I am sure that the priorities would be very different. This is certainly the case for the Apostle Peter.
In the previous verse Peter said that he would remind the recipients of his letter of the godly qualities that were to be added their faith as long as he was alive. He knew that his days were numbered. What is his priority while he is living. Reminding people of their need to supplement their faith with godly qualities. These qualities are the responsibility of every believer. Remember, we are to make "every effort."
Peter was told by the Lord that his death was coming. I wonder if he was told the manner in which he was to die? We are told by church history that the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down. They were going to crucify him in the same manner as the Lord Jesus, but Peter insisted that he was not worthy to be crucified like Christ. He asked that he be crucified upside down, instead.
When we consider the kind of devotion that Peter had, it helps us to realize just how important these Holy Spirit inspired words of this epistle truly are. Peter knew that the most valuable thing that he had to offer the body of Christ was delivering the very words of God to the body of Christ, so that they would know how God expected them to live.
You do not know how many days you have left. How will you spend them? Make sure that you allow God to use you for his glory, as long you have life and breath.