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2 Peter 1:11: For In This Way There Will Be Richly Provided For You An Entrance Into The Eternal Kingdom Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 1:11
[11] For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (ESV)

Peter is giving reassurance to the Christian who labors in this life. He has expounded in verses 5 - 7 all of the godly virtues that should be lived out while on Earth. These qualities, added to our faith will provide blessing to us, by confirming our election and giving us assurance. They will also be a blessing to those who live with us. Godly behavior is a blessing to the world around us.

It seems that there are many Christians who do not spend much time in living out the qualities of godliness that Peter recommends. They do not view this life as a place where they are taking their faith very seriously. As we have read in verse 9, ignoring godly virtues in your daily walk causes one to be nearsighted, and even blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from former sins.

We are to be actively pursuing God's plan for living in this life, with a clear focus on the next one. In this verse, Peter encourages our hearts by reminding us of our entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord. We will want to enter that kingdom well. If we have ignored God's commands, living for ourselves in this life, and ignoring what God desires, our view of entering heaven may be altered.

We will all stand before God and give an account. If we are Christians our salvation is secure. We will make it to heaven. However, those who have lived an ineffective and unfruitful life, as described by Peter in the previous verses, there will be a sobering accounting to the Savior. As Peter has said in this verse, an entrance has been richly provided. We ought to live in a way consistent with our destination.

Do you long for your eternal destination? Are you living in conformity with what God expects of you? Remember, everything that God asks you to do, he gives you his Holy Spirit to help you accomplish it. Rely on his strength. He loves you.
