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1 Peter 5:7: Casting All Your Anxieties On Him, Because He Cares For You.

1 Peter 5:7
[7] Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. (ESV)
As believers in Jesus Christ, we would all say that we love the Bible. After all, it is God's Word that reveals to us our precious Savior. In it's content we find all of the instruction that we need for our lives. If we are honest, we have certain verses that are our favorites. This verse is one of my favorites. I have leaned upon its truth many times.

We are sinful creatures. Without the saving work of Jesus Christ on our behalf, we would be eternally lost. We were not even seeking him. Rather, he sought us, invited us to salvation, giving us the gifts of faith and repentance. We clearly have no right, in our own "goodness," to even approach God. We should be terrified at the thought of coming near to him, without having Christ's righteousness.

Knowing all of these things, consider again the words of today's verse. God invites us to take all of our anxieties that weigh us down and cast them on him. He doesn't deserve those anxieties, but he asks for them. Why would he do such a thing? Why would he take anxieties upon himself? The answer to that question is found in this verse. It is because he cares for his children.

When it comes to casting anxieties on the Lord, we seem to do well with casting other people's anxieties on the Lord, but not our own. We reason that it is selfish to cast our own anxieties on him. That is wrong, and I would suggest it is disobedient. We are commanded to cast our own anxieties on the Lord. Surely, you can cast other people's anxieties on Him also. That is intercession. Do not to forget to give him yours.

What is weighing you down today? Give it to your Savior. He did not just die to save you from your sins. He also wants to take your anxieties. All of them. He loves you that much. 
