1 Peter 4:6
[6] For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does. (ESV)
The church seems to be in need of reforming. This is nothing new. In the sixteenth century, the great Martin Luther was one of the champions of bringing the church back to it's biblical roots. In every generation there is a need to get back to the foundation of who we are and what we are supposed to do. What is that foundation? The gospel of Jesus Christ is our foundation as a church.
Peter references this gospel in this verse, claiming that it was necessary for it to be preached. He refers back to those who have already heard the gospel, believed the gospel, and then died. They have been judged in the flesh, but they are now alive in the Spirit. This was true in the first century church. This is true in every century.
There are two significant points to be made here. First of all, Peter says that those who have received the gospel were judged in the flesh the way people are. This is significant. All mankind will be judged in the flesh. We will all be judged guilty! All are sinners. Those who have placed their faith in Christ are pardoned because of their faith in Him, and his work on the cross, paying the penalty for sin.
Secondly, those who have believed the Gospel will live in the spirit the way God does. This is something that all of us who believe look forward to. We will be alive eternally in heaven. There is so much of this that we do not completely understand, but we know that our wonderful Lord has prepared for us a place where we will live eternally.
Take a moment and thank the Lord for the message of the Gospel. Is your church preaching the Gospel? If not, see how you can encourage reformation, or seek the Lord's will as to whether you should leave. May God help us all to prioritize the Gospel in the church.
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