1 Peter 4:2: So As To Live For The Rest Of The Time In The Flesh No Longer For Human Passions But For The Will Of God.
1 Peter 4:2
[2] So as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. (ESV)
As you read this verse consider what your plans are for the rest of your life. Perhaps your plans involve following the typical American Dream. Work hard and stockpile as much money as you can for your retirement. Perhaps, you plan on having a few children. You may be involved in community organizations so that you can serve others, while getting some accolades along the way.
What does the Apostle Peter suggest that we should be doing for the rest of our lives? He says that we should live the rest of our lives for the will of God, and not for human passions. I wonder how many times preachers have preached this verse. I wonder how many Christians have read this verse and quickly continued reading, while ignoring this message of living only for the will of God.
One of the biggest problems in the church today is that we want to live for ourselves, pursuing our human passions, while at the same time, claiming that we truly want to know God's will for our lives. To live for the will of God would require us to know what God's will is. To know God's will we must know God's Word. He does not hide his will from us.
In Matthew 28 we are told that we are to make disciples. That is God's will. In many verses throughout the New Testament we are told to love, forgive, serve, bless, honor, and care for one another. Jesus told us that all of God's commands for us can be summed up in loving God with all of our hearts, and loving our neighbor as ourself. This is a good start for understanding the will of God.
Examine yourself. How much of your life's plans involve pursuing human passions? How can you intentionally spend more time in God's word, seeking to obey his command to live for his will?
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