1 Peter 3:1
[1] Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, (ESV)
In our modern culture, this verse could cause a lot of consternation in women who read it. The idea of being subject to a husband sounds like women being deemed inferior. One word that is helpful as you look at this verse is the first word, "Likewise." It points the reader back to what was said in previous verses. That being said, let's take a quick look back.
Peter has just spoken of how the believer in Jesus Christ is not to view the world as those who do not know Jesus Christ. We are subject to people who do not act in ways that deserve our subjection. We are to honor the emperor. Slaves are to be subject to their masters. For the sake of Christ, we are to be subject to every institution known to man.
How does this attitude of humility affect the family institution? Peter says that wives are to be subject to their husbands. Is it because husbands are of greater value than wives. Certainly not. Is it because men are more godly? Certainly not. Is it because women are asked to be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, just like all Christians are to be subject to every institution? Yes.
One of the things that Christians will understand when they are finally in glory with the Savior, is that marriage is one of the wonderful things that God gave to mankind to help us become better disciples of Jesus Christ. We will discover that marriage is more about God, than it is about us. Wives, if they apply this verse to their lives, can actually be used by God to bring a non-believing husband to faith.
Does this verse upset you? Why? In what ways can you grow in your walk with Jesus Christ by learning how to be subject? What areas do you need to learn more humility? Tell Jesus how you feel. His Holy Spirit will help you.
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