1 Peter 2:23: When He Was Reviled, He Did Not Revile In Return; When He Suffered, He Did Not Threaten, But Continued Entrusting Himself To Him Who Judges Justly.
Words can be used to destroy people. We have probably been on the receiving end of some hateful words. Sadly, we have probably used words to hurt other people. We know that Jesus was on the receiving end of many hurtful words. It is incredible to think that the Creator of the universe, the very one who is the author of language itself would be the recipient of hateful words.
John MacArthur defines this word, "revile" in this way: "To pile up abusive and vile language against someone." As you think about our precious Savior, I hope that you are properly offended at this level of injustice brought against the perfect Son of God by senseless, ruthless, evil people. Imagine that God the Father did not bring his full wrath upon them with every word spoken.
Jesus is the amazing example given to us of how we ought to respond to those who would make us suffer, whether it be by people piling up abusive and vile language against us, or some other way in which we can experience suffering at the hand of someone else. Jesus' example for us is that he did not threaten his persecutors, but rather entrusted himself to his Heavenly Father, the righteous judge.
One of the most difficult things for us to do is to follow the Savior's example. When people say an unkind word to us, we are ready to have them arrested for a hate crime. There are people who have held grudges against loved ones because of one careless word spoken, never mind someone being intentionally evil and hurtful. Our example is that we do not return fire when hateful words are fired at us.
How are you doing with your response to people's attacks against you? None of us will be perfect. Ask the Lord to help you be more like Jesus. Rely on the Holy Spirit's power. He loves you. He wants to help you be more like himself.
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