1 Peter 2:4: As You Come To Him, A Living Stone Rejected By Men But In The Sight Of God Chosen And Precious
1 Peter 2:4
[4] As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, (ESV)
The Apostle Peter begins this verse by saying, "As you come to him." Have you ever stopped to think just how wonderful a thing it is that we have such an opportunity? In the Old Testament the people of God would come to a priest. The priest, at certain times, would go to the Lord on behalf of the people of God. There was no direct access to God himself for the people of God.
Peter speaks now of coming to him as a normal thing for all the people of God. What an incredible privilege this is for those who belong to God. He is speaking specifically of coming to Jesus Christ. Peter describes the Savior as a living stone. The temple was the previous place that people went to connect with God. It was made with non-living stones. Jesus is a living stone. In other words, he is a better temple.
This stone, Jesus Christ, is a chosen and precious stone. In our world today we would think of a diamond, ruby, emerald, or some other kind of stone that would viewed as precious and chosen by someone. Consider how much more precious stone that Jesus is. He is infinitely more valuable and glorious. God the Father views him as precious.
This stone has been rejected by men. Peter, a Jew, would have been particularly sensitive to the ways in which the Jews rejected this precious stone. We should never be ashamed of coming close to this living stone. The world rejects this living stone because they do not know how loving and wonderful he is. It is our job to let the world know how precious a stone, our Savior is.
How often do you come to the living stone, Jesus? The people in centuries past would be jealous of the access we have to God himself, through Jesus Christ. Come to him now. Come to him regularly. Celebrate your Savior, chosen of God and precious in his sight.
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