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1 Peter 1:15: But As He Who Called You Is Holy, You Also Be Holy In All Your Conduct,

1 Peter 1:15

[15] But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, (ESV)

One of the most important truths, that is largely ignored by the Church, is the holiness of God. Our understanding of God's holiness will affect our understanding of our holiness. Peter is making a direct connection between God's holiness and our holiness. The one who called us is holy. Because of this truth, we are to be holy in all that we do, just like God himself.

If our view of God is not one in which we see his perfect holiness we are not properly looking at God at all. In fact, the very thought of looking at God should bring us terror in some way. In the Old Testament we have the account of Isaiah seeing the Lord. He does not speak of it casually. It will be helpful for us to look at Isaiah 6:5. Listen to the great prophet Isaiah's response at seeing the holy God of Israel:

"And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” (ESV). Isaiah is confronted with the holiness of God. He immediately is made aware just how unholy he is. He says, "Woe is me." To encounter a holy God is to also be brought to an understanding of our unholiness.

It seems that even more terrifying than recognizing God's holiness is that now we read that we are to be holy just like God is holy. That is not only a difficult task, it is an impossible task. How can God expect us to be holy like he is holy? We will discover that our ability to be holy is only possible as the Holy Spirit enables us. 

How do you view God? Casually? Or do you see him in all of his perfect holiness? He is calling you to be holy. This is not a small calling. You will need help. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you today.
