Romans 15:27
[27] For they were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings. (ESV)
The Apostle Paul was a missionary to the Gentiles. He loved his own people, the Jews. He desired for them to know the Lord Jesus as Messiah. But, God used Paul strategically to be the one who delivered the Gospel to people who were not Jews. We should remember that Jesus himself said that "salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22).
Those in Macedonia and Achaia were anxious to contribute financially to those believers who were in need in Jerusalem. Paul says here in verse 27 that they "owe" the Jews in Jerusalem. So, it is only fitting for them to give to meet their material need. The reason that these Gentile believers owed their brothers in Jerusalem is that it was Jewish believers sent from Jerusalem that brought them the life-changing Gospel!
Occasionally in our lives someone gives us a priceless, undeserved gift. There is most assuredly a sense in which we feel that we should reciprocate to the giver of an elaborate some sort of offering. At the very least we desire to show our gratitude for the tremendous generosity that was shown to us. This is the case for the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.
These Gentile believers would have spent an eternity in hell, being punished for their sins, if it were not for the message of the Gospel that came from the believing Jews in Jerusalem. The Gentiles mentioned here shared in spiritual blessings. It was both their obligation as well as their honor to give financially to the ones who shared with them the priceless gift of the hope of eternal life.
Have you received the Gospel message? Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ alone? Who shared that message with you? In what ways can you share in material blessings with the ones who have given you spiritual blessings?
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