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Romans 13:13: Let Us Walk Properly As In The Daytime

Romans 13:13
[13] Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. (ESV)

If you turn on the television it seems as if the producers of television programs are in a constant competition to see how morally corrupt they can be. What was considered disgusting and morally repulsive a few years ago is considered tame and there are new areas of perversion to be explored. This is the way of lust. It is never satisfied.

It could be easy for us to see all of the moral filth around us and feel as if we were the only generation in history who has encountered this level of moral depravity. We would be wrong. In the first century church the Apostle Paul has to give warning to Christians to avoid "orgies, drunkenness, sexual immorality, sensuality, quarreling and jealousy."

In every generation there is a need for the church to be reminded that we are to be pure and holy before God. The enemy of our souls entices us with sensual lusts that will undermine our faith and destroy our testimony to a lost and dying world. The Apostle Paul knew this in his day. We should be aware of it in our day.

Paul uses this illustration of walking properly as in the daytime. When we are walking in the light we are ok with our deeds being seen. Jesus said in John 3:19 that "men loved darkness because their deeds were evil." Those who belong to Christ need to behave in such a way that their deeds can be exposed by the light of Christ and be found pure.

In what ways has the darkness of our evil culture blinded your spiritual vision? How comfortable are you with Christ's light shining on your actions? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to walk in purity.
