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Romans 11:36: For From Him And Through Him And To Him Are All Things.

Romans 11:36
[36] For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. (ESV)

Someone asked me one day, "What is the meaning of life?" I replied, "To love God and enjoy him forever." They were not surprised at my answer. What would you have said? This is a key question that many people are wanting an answer for whether they verbalize the question or not. In our verse today the Apostle Paul sums up what life is all about. Everything is for God's glory!

From him are all things. We are incredibly blessed with many things. Life. Breath. Consciousness. Joy. Understanding. The list could go on. (Add some of your own blessings). The one who truly understands what life is about recognizes that there is a source for all of these wonderful blessings. All things come from him and warrant continuous praise and glory to be given to God.

Through him are all things. This speaks of God's sustaining power in the universe. Scientists like to speak of the laws of physics which govern all that is. Those laws are in place because the Creator put them there. This world will continue until such time God puts an end to it. He promises a new heaven and a new earth. In the meantime, all that exists is sustained through God's power.

To him are all things. Everything belongs to God. We are so foolish in thinking that we have accumulated wealth and out of our "generous" heart we give some of our finances to the Lord. The Psalmist gives us God's perspective in Psalm 50:10: "For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills." Everything is the Lord's

Given that everything in this world is; from God, and through God, and to God, what should our response be? To give him glory forever. Make it a daily effort to glorify God in everything.
