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Romans 9:27-28: And Isaiah Cries Out Concerning Israel: "Though The Number Of The Sons Of Israel Be As The Sand Of The Sea, Only A Remnant Of Them Will Be Saved

Romans 9:27–28
[27] And Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will be saved, [28] for the Lord will carry out his sentence upon the earth fully and without delay.” (ESV)

These are sobering words. Hundreds of years before the Apostle Paul was writing these words the Prophet Isaiah pronounced a judgment upon the people of Israel. Even though they had become a great nation, just as God had promised to Abraham, they had largely ignored and rejected the God who had made them great.

We would like to think that all of the Jews would be saved. After all, they were descendants of Abraham himself. They were God's chosen people. What the Jewish people did fully realize is that God is calling people to walk the way of faith. His people were to be faithful to their covenant just as he was faithful to them.

Isaiah pronounces this judgment against a majority of the Jewish people who had not obeyed the Lord. There is a warning here for the Jews. They need to place their faith in God's plan of salvation which included faith in Jesus Christ, God's son, the Messiah. Those who refused to believe God remained in their sin and were under God's wrath, just like the rest of mankind.

There is also a warning here for all of us. The way of salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ. Those who are faithless will perish eternally. Sadly, just as there are a remnant of Jews who will ultimately be saved, there is likely only a remnant of every other tribe and nation. Those who have heard the message of the Gospel must respond with faith and obedience.

Have you heard the Gospel? Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ? It is important that you are not just a hearer of the Gospel, you must respond by faith and obedience.
