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Romans 10:11: For The Scripture Says, "Everyone Who Believes In Him Will Not Be Put To Shame."

Romans 10:11
[11] For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” (ESV)

When we look at the concept of who God brings to salvation and who does not come to salvation it can make our heads spin. Theologians have argued over this for centuries. Paul lays out one important truth for us that all can agree on. Everyone who believes in him (Christ) will not be put to shame. That is a powerful truth.

For the Jews this might have caused some consternation. They looked at the Gentiles and saw that they were claiming to have a relationship with God through Christ. These Gentiles did not have to try to keep the Law which had been such an important part of every Jew's life. It did not seem fair that the Gentiles had it so easy.

Ironically, the ones who truly understood what it meant to follow Christ knew that it was not easy in every sense. Jesus told his followers to take up their cross and follow him. In Acts 1:8 Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses. That word for "witness" in the Greek is the same word from which we get the word martyr. To follow Christ meant death for many of Christ's followers.

For us today we look at people who maybe have sinned so extravagantly that we have a hard time imagining how God could ever save them. Their lives have left a trail of destruction and misery that we have a hard time forgiving. God's Word remains true, whether we are comfortable with it or not: Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.

If you have placed your belief in Jesus Christ you will not be put to shame. Consider those who you have a hard time accepting as truly saved. Ask the Lord to help you to love like he loves. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. All sinners. Even your enemies. Even you.
