Romans 8:38–39
[38] For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, [39] nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (ESV)
We are fickle creatures. We, who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ, still struggle with having total confidence in our walk with the Lord. Remember John the Baptist once questioned if Jesus was still the Messiah or should he expect another? Peter walked on water, but then doubted. We are often in need of reassurance.
I love how Paul starts these last two verses of Chapter 8. "For I am sure." Paul is trying to reassure those who might be inclined to waver in their confidence that God loves them. In this grand list of things that cannot separate us from the love of God Paul wants his readers, and you and I, to understand that we can be sure of God's love!
I have always been confident in my belief that God loves my neighbor. I believe that God loves the whole world. The harder issue is for me to be confident that God loves me! Do you have the same struggle? I believe that we lose our confidence in God's love because we look at how unlovely are natural self is. Our confidence is restored when we look at God and not ourselves.
So, as we look at our wonderful God we find amazing love. We find a love that cannot be stopped by any power in the universe. Death, life, angels, rulers, time, space, every dimension of physics and nature are no threat to God's amazing love. As if there was anything that Paul missed in this list of things that cannot separate us from God's love he ends with "anything else in all creation."
Do you need some reassurance? That is very natural. Look at God's amazing love and stop looking at your own weaknesses. His love for you cannot be stopped, not even by you!
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