Romans 8:26
[26] Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (ESV)
Did you ever want to help someone so badly it almost hurt? In this passage of Scripture Paul has been talking about the idea of groaning. The Creation is groaning in anticipation of the revealing of the sons of God. We ourselves are groaning in anticipation of what God has in store for us. Now, Paul tells us that the Spirit of God groans in intercession for us.
Imagine that the Holy Spirit of God wants to help us so badly that his intercession is an intense action that expresses itself in groaning too deep for words. It is easy for us to get so caught up in the stress of life that we think no one truly cares about our struggles. God does. His Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. He is groaning for our benefit.
This intercession on our behalf is so important. As Paul says, we will find ourselves in situations where we do not even know how to pray. We know that we have a need. We do not see a way out of our struggle. It is important in those times that we turn to the one who not only knows what we are going through, he is interceding on our behalf.
Perhaps your marriage is falling apart. Divorce is the easy way out. Turn to the Lord. He is interceding on your behalf. Maybe you are facing dark depression. Suicide is not the answer. The Holy Spirit is interceding on your behalf. Perhaps you have all but given up on your faith. Do not despair. The one who grants you faith is also speaking to the Heavenly Father for you.
Be encouraged today. No matter what the struggle, the Holy Spirit is interceding for you. You could not have a better advocate on your behalf.
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