Romans 8:12
[12] So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. (ESV)
Most of us have grown up with the wise saying, "Be a debtor to no man." I can think of many a person who would do well to heed this wise saying. The average person owes an incredible amount of debt to a credit card company, a mortgage company, or some other kind of store credit. Being in debt can be a crippling thing. It restricts your freedom.
Paul reminds the believer in Jesus Christ that we are not debtors to the flesh. This begs the question, "Why would someone be a debtor to the flesh?" Remember, we were all in complete bondage to all of our fleshly desires. We lusted after things of the world. Whatever the flesh craved, we were indebted to it to try to satisfy the flesh with what the world offered.
Friend, if you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you are no longer a debtor to the flesh. This is a fundamentally important truth for you to grab onto. Imagine a person who has spent most of their lives in prison. When they are set free they may struggle with how to act as a free person. It is even likely that a freed person might be afraid to exercise their freedom. They are new to it.
In the same way, we have been set free from the prison of sin. We were in debt to sin, but now we are not. Our sin debt has been paid. We are free in Christ. The enemy will come to you and entice you to sin. He will remind you of the years of your imprisonment and try to convince you that you are still in debt to sin. You are not. You are free.
Have you fallen into repetitive sins because you have fallen for the lie of Satan that you "can't help it." That is the talk of a debtor. You are free. Walk in the freedom of Christ. He will give you victory over sin.
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