Romans 7:20: Now If I Do What I Do Not Want, It Is No Longer I Who Do It, But Sin That Dwells Within Me.
Romans 7:20
[20] Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. (ESV)
What excites you about heaven? Is it the streets of gold? Perhaps you are looking forward to seeing loved ones who have gone on before you. Maybe you are anxious to talk to heroes of the faith that you have read about in the pages of Scripture. Certainly, we can all look forward to being with our savior, Jesus Christ.
I am sure that one of the things that Paul would tell us he was excited about when it comes to heaven was the reality that he would no longer have to deal with this sin that dwelt within him. The Apostle Paul found himself doing the very things he did not want to do. His sin was constant reminder of his need for the Savior.
Are you a believer in Jesus Christ, yet you find yourself continuing to do the very things that you do not want to do? You are in good company. You and the Apostle Paul have the same struggle. This is not a time for you to wallow in defeat. This is a time for you to take action. You are at war with the sin that dwells within you.
What should you do when you blow it, . . . again? 1 John 1:9 would remind us to confess our sins, knowing that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Additionally, we need to draw close to the Lord. We simply cannot rely on our own strength in this battle with the sin that dwells in us. We need to depend completely on the power of the Holy Spirit within us.
Heaven is a place with no more sin. On this side of heaven we need to deal with sin by confession and upon the Holy Spirit.
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