Romans 6:8
[8] Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. (ESV)
Are you living your best life now? There was a book written with the title, Your Best Life Now. Dr. John MacArthur in typical witty fashion remarked, "If this is your best life now, you are going to Hell." Well, this begs the question, when is our best life to be lived? Is heaven the best life or do we live our best life now?
Paul says that if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. This life that we live with him is lived both in the here and now, and also the future. MacArthur is right. Our best life is in eternity. We will be in God's presence. There will be no sin. No mourning. No death. Nothing compares to the wonder and majesty that will be Heaven.
Our life now, however, should also be lived in such a way that we experience God's presence in our daily lives. Paul, in the previous verses has talked about how our sinful nature has been put to death. We have been "crucified with Christ." We are no longer slaves to sin. We should celebrate that reality. But we also need to make sure that as freed men we walk in freedom.
Too many Christians spend their time sitting in a prison cell with the door open. We are alive with Christ. We are to walk in that newness of life. Each day is a new opportunity to see where the Lord will lead us. There are people he has called us to share the truth of this new life with. There are joys found in God's faithful working in every moment of our day. Our life is truly wonderful right now.
Your best life now? Or later? YES! Rejoice in the life that you have received in Christ Jesus. Get out of the prison cell and walk in the freedom of God as you look forward to eternity with Him.
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