Romans 6:11
[11] So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. (ESV)
Paul begins this verse with this little word "so." This word, in this context, reminds the reader of the truths that he has just expounded upon in the previous section. He talked about how Christ himself died to sin once for all. Sin's power has been put to death and the power of the resurrection compels us to live for Christ in view of our own resurrection.
In light of all that truth, how ought we to live? We should consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. Paul is not suggesting that we deceive ourselves. This is not some kind of mind games that we are to play. The idea of considering ourselves dead to sin and alive to God is based on the truth of what Christ has accomplished for us.
Consider for a moment how you view sin. Have you considered yourself dead to sin? Or do you keep it on life support? Are you afraid to completely kill it because you are so used to it being around? We are told to consider ourselves dead to sin. That means sin is not to be pursued. It is to be buried. Do not dig up the corpse of sin and try to resuscitate.
Do you view yourself as alive to God in Christ Jesus? It seems that we are so consumed with our physical, earthly life. We do everything that we can to give our earthly bodies pleasure. Pain is avoided at all cost. If you consider yourself alive to God in Christ Jesus you place your focus on spiritual, eternal, heavenly things. Life is truly found in God. Consider yourself alive to God!
In light of the knowledge you have received, live a life that does not allow sin to live any longer. Pursue heavenly things. Live a life to God that glorifies him as you look forward to your eternal destination.
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