Romans 5:6
[6] For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (ESV)
Timing is everything. From an earthly perspective we think we understand this concept. Most people have a smart phone and maybe even a smart watch. We plan everything on our electronic calendars to make sure that we do not miss a thing. Did you ever consider the timing of when God stepped out of eternity into our world to sacrifice his Son, Jesus Christ, for us?
Consider first of all the condition of those for whom Christ would ultimately die. He died for those who were still weak. I have news for you. Those who were still weak includes you and it includes me. We are completely incapable of saving ourselves. God did not "help" us to become saved. He did all the work! We were as good as dead. He brought us to new life.
What time did Christ die for us? At the right time. The sovereignty of God is an essential doctrine that needs to be reinforced in our day. God chooses to do things at precisely the proper time as his will dictates. Are you looking for something to happen in your life and waiting on God? Be patient. Just as he died for you at the right time, he will accomplish his purpose in your life at the right time.
Not only did Christ die for weak mankind at the right time. Paul gives even greater description of who Christ died for. Ungodly. Let that sink in for a moment. Christ did not die for good people. He died for wretched, sinful, rebellious, people. You. Me. There are no good people. There are only people who have received the free gift of God's goodness and those who have not.
Timing is everything. Thank God that in his good time he died for your sins. Walk in a manner worthy of his wonderful gift.
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