Romans 5:15
[15] But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. (ESV)
Actions have consequences. While it seems that our current younger generation is unaware of this truth it is nonetheless reality. I knew for a fact that if I disobeyed my father as a child there were going to be serious consequences. To every negative and rebellious action there was an equal or greater reaction by my godly father.
Adam, the first man, sinned against God. Consider the weighty consequence to his sinful action. He was immediately under the wrath of God, aware of his nakedness, and expelled from the beautiful Garden of Eden that God had made for him to be caretaker of. This was very weighty reaction to Adam's sin.
This was only the beginning of consequences that Adam encountered. Paul says that many died through one man's trespass. The man's trespass is Adam's sin. The many who died are all of humankind that descended from Adam's sinful seed. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the weightiness of these tragic consequences.
But there is something even greater than Adam's consequences. The free gift of the grace of God is far greater than the damning consequence of Adam's sin. It is not amazing that Adam's sin had terrible consequences. However, it is truly amazing that God would sacrifice his own son so that we could experience the undeserved, free, gift of God's grace.
Grace trumps sinful consequences. While we may have to face some temporal consequences for our earthly actions our eternity can be without the eternal death that our sin deserves by receiving the free gift of God's grace. God's grace is truly amazing.
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