Romans 4:20
[20] No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, (ESV)
What do you do when you are waiting? In our impatient world we do everything we can to avoid having to wait. We eat at fast food restaurants. We travel in a way that guarantees quick arrival. We have microwave ovens to avoid the terror of waiting more than ten minutes to have warm food to eat.
When we do face the challenge we do not handle it well. Have you ever been on the highway when a major traffic accident occurs? Waiting for an hour in the hot sun with other impatient people on the road can be quite entertaining. For the first few minutes they check their phones and then they resort to getting out of their cars and complaining about everything.
Abraham had to wait. He was 100 years old when he became a father. God had promised that he would be the father of many nations. That was decades ago. What did he do during those decades of waiting? What would you do? I cannot even begin to imagine what I would do. I think I would be prone to give up on the promise of God and assume I must have heard him wrong.
The Bible says that no unbelief made Abraham waver. Not only did he maintain his faith in the promise of God, but he took the time of waiting to grow even stronger in his faith and he gave glory to God. There is a lesson for us here. We are all going to have times of waiting. When God promises something the time of waiting for that promise is the time for working on building our faith.
Are you waiting on God for something in your life? It may seem like God has forgotten you. He has not! Use this time you have to grow strong in your faith, all the while giving God all the glory.
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