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James 5:15: And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The One Who Is Sick

James 5:15
[15] And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. (ESV)

How willing are you to ask for prayer? Perhaps you are a person who is willing to pray for every other person on the earth, but you feel hesitant to bring your own needs to the Lord. Some feel as if it is selfish and wrong to bring their needs to the Lord. That notion is not backed up by biblical teaching.

James instructs those who are sick to present themselves to the elders of the church. The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. It is interesting to note that there is an action required on the part of the one who is sick. They must go to the elders and ask for prayer. I am sure that some are not healed because they are not willing to ask.

Additionally, we find an instruction for the confessing of our sins. The one who is confessing their sins to the elders must exhibit humility. I wonder how many in our churches today would be willing to come to the elders and confess their sins. It seems like we have wandered away from this practice in our churches. Yet, this is what James is instructing for the believers.

The elders who are praying with members of the church are not, in any way, more holy than the ones coming for prayer. They are sinners saved by the grace of God. They simply provide an opportunity for the believers to unload their sins, and seek the forgiveness that God alone provides. It takes a humble heart to come before others and confess sin. And humility is what God desires.

Do not be afraid to come to the Lord for prayer. Perhaps there is a sickness, or even a struggle with sin, that you are dealing with. Call for the elders of the church. Confess your sin. Pray for your sickness. God wants to hear your humble request.
