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James 1:9: Let The Lowly Brother Boast In His Exaltation

James 1:9
[9] Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, (ESV)

Money is a funny thing. If we pursue money we will never have enough of it. The world that we live in and its whole system of thinking is based on how much money or material possessions we have. Those who don't have anything feel that if they just had what their neighbor had they would somehow be happy. The reality is there is not enough money in the whole world to make anyone happy.

James describes for us the lowly brother. Who is the lowly brother? He is the one who does not have many material possessions. James is writing to people who have been facing trials of various kinds. Very likely the ones whom he is describing as lowly are ones who have lost the material possessions they had because of some kind of trials and persecution.

So, if this lowly brother has nothing what is he supposed to boast about? James tells us that the lowly brother should boast in his exaltation. The bottom line is that while we may give up homes, lands, possessions, and even our lives in this life, we look forward to an eternity in heaven where God will give us all that we could imagine, most importantly himself.

When we have nothing we tend to focus negatively on what we do not have. James helps us to see that our approach is wrong. Instead, we can boast about the fact that because of what Christ has purchased for us by his blood, we are rich beyond our wildest dreams. He will exalt every lowly brother, including you. Let Jesus' words comfort you today:

Matthew 19:29
[29] And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. (ESV)
