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Philippians 4:11: In Whatever Situation I Am Content

Philippians 4:11
[11] Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. (ESV)

The Apostle Paul has spent considerable time in this letter talking about how the Philippian believers had met his needs while in prison. He just told them in the previous verse that he is thankful that their care for him has been revived. They saw his need and they put their love in action and cared for him both in encouragement and in material blessing.

He tells them in this verse that he is not asking for more, he is just being thankful for what has already been given. Paul takes it a step further, however, by helping us to understand that our circumstances do not define our need. Now, at first glance, this seems to not make any sense at all. When we are without something, we would say that we are in need.

Paul had been in many situations. He had learned that God is sovereign over his life. In every situation he could be content because God was with him no matter what the situation. We tend to become overwhelmed when our circumstances veer out of control. What if we looked at every situation as something that God ordained? Do you think it would help us to be content?

What situation are you currently in? Are you content? Do you go to work every day, complaining about the raise you did not get, the pay that is not enough, and the appreciation you never receive? Would it change your whole outlook if you viewed your situation as being in control by God and therefore you could be content with what you have?

Are you struggling with a lack of contentment in some area of your life? In what way can you accept God's plan for your circumstances so that your outlook will change?
