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James 1:5: If Any Of You Lacks Wisdom, Let Him Ask God

James 1:5
[5] If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (ESV)

James has given us a lesson in reality. He has let us know that the way to spiritual maturity is by way of trials. The trials that we face test our faith and force us to draw closer to the Lord who alone gives us the strength to make it through. As we face those trials we are surely going to have questions. We will need to know what God wants us to learn and do in the midst of the trials. We need wisdom.

James wrote to a Jewish audience. They would have understood this idea of wisdom to be more than philosophical ideas. Wisdom for them was divine absolutes and principles that enabled people to live a godly life. This leads to an important principle for us to follow. We cannot know how to please God on our own. We must turn to him and ask him for the wisdom needed.

Now, James moves from giving us an invitation to ask for God's wisdom to a description of the giver of that wisdom. We find that God is a generous God who gives without reproach. Have you ever had a boss, or maybe even a parent, who was the only one who could provide what you needed but you dreaded to ask them because they would hold it over your head that they had what you needed?

Our wonderful God is not like us. I am so thankful for that fact. When we are weak, he invites us to come to him for strength. He does not beat us up for our weakness, he simply provides our strength. When we are overwhelmed in the midst of trials and do not know what to do, we can confidently come to him, knowing that he will not only help us, but will do so in a gracious way.

Do you lack wisdom? We all do! Every single one of us must come to the Lord regularly and seek his divine truths to be spoken into our situation. Go to him. Ask him. He is generous. He will give you what you need. Praise his name.
