Philippians 2:15
[15] that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, (ESV)
In the previous verse we discovered that God is very concerned about our attitude towards him. We are not to grumble or dispute with him. Rather, we are to humbly obey him. There is a reason for this. We are called by our Savior to declare his glorious Gospel to the world. If our attitude is wrong we will be ineffective in accomplishing our worthy task.
While it may be impossible for us to fully comprehend this ideal of being blameless and innocent we should realize that this is what God wants for us. He has given us his righteousness. He has given us His precious Holy Spirit to empower us. Walking in purity is not impossible, but it is only possible in the Lord's strength which he will provide for us.
Paul describes this world that we live in as a crooked and twisted generation. That description aptly fit the world of the Roman Empire. It also fits our world. Until Jesus returns the generation that we encounter will be crooked and twisted. God has established what is right and true. This world distorts it in the guise of freedom.
The family is just one area where we can see how this generation twists and distorts God's design. God established marriage between a man and a woman. He expects faithfulness and fidelity in that relationship. This generation claims that you can unite any combination of genders for a marriage, including creating genders. Fidelity? If someone else makes you happy go for it. Friends, we need to be a shining example of God's purity in this dark world.
How well are you shining? This world is very dark. At every level this generation tries to distort God's perfect way. Your light will help point the way for sinners to find the light of Christ.
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