1 John 5:1
[1] Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. (ESV)
The idea of Jesus being the Christ has eternal implications for those who believe. Far too many people are ineffective members of the Church because they have not fully grasped who Jesus truly is. They call to him when they are in need. They blame him when things are not going the way that they desire. But, they have not realized that he is the king, ruler, and Lord of their lives.
If Jesus is the Christ that means he is to be fully in charge of every aspect of our lives. When things are going well, he is to be glorified. When all of life seems to be falling apart around us, he is to be glorified. He is to direct the decisions that we make. The world promotes a notion of us being in charge of our own lives. God deserves that throne in your life. He is the Christ.
John describes all of us who believe that Jesus is the Christ as those who have been born of the Father. Of course, there are implications for this as well. He says that if we, who have been born of the Father, will love everyone else who has been born of the Father. This is why it is so important that churches be known as places where love reigns.
So, what happens if we find people who claim to be Christians but we discover that they have no love for their fellow believer? We may legitimately question whether or not they have placed their faith in Jesus. Their behavior may tell the story of one who does not truly believe that Jesus is the Christ. That is a sobering thought.
Are you born of the Father? Do others see evidence by your love for them? If Jesus is the Christ then it will impact how you live. May your love for him be evident to all.
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