1 John 3:2
[2] Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. (ESV)
I love how the Apostle John describes the Christ followers whom he is writing this letter to. He calls them beloved. Not only did John himself love the people he was writing to, but he is speaking of the great love of God demonstrated in Christ Jesus. Those who belong to Jesus are loved by their Heavenly Father. He adopted us. We were purchased even though we were undeserving.
What is our status now? We are children of God. I think that the truth of our new identity is a bit difficult to grasp. I don't know about you, but I struggle daily with feeling that I am not a very good son. I still fail my Heavenly Father. I know that the things I am not supposed to do are still a temptation to me. The good things I am supposed to be doing I sometimes cowardly refuse to do. I am not a perfect son. But, I am a loved son.
John knows that we have this battle with our own sinful nature. He gives us great news. He tells us that there is coming a day when we will be like the Savior. When Christ returns we will be like him. That is one of the most significant reasons we anxiously await the Savior's return. When he returns we will be like him. We will be changed. In Heaven we will no longer fight temptation. We will no longer sin and disappoint our God and Father. What a happy day that will be.
As you wait for the transformation that will come when Christ returns remember, You are loved! Allow the love of God encourage your heart as you await your transformation.
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