1 John 2:1
[1] My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. (ESV)
As a pastor I have often been asked to perform weddings. I only do Christian weddings, and so one would think that those who come to me to be married would have strong Christian ideals and would want their marriage to reflect their godly values. As I get to know a couple I sit down with them and ask them for a lot of information about their relationship. One of the things that used to surprise me is how many couples have the same address! Sadly, it is almost the norm. The world espouses a view of sex outside of marriage being normal and expected. What is sad is when the church begins to espouse the same worldly views of the unbelieving community around them.
How do you view sin? Is it something that we just accept and embrace? Is that what God has called us to? I love what the Apostle John says here in this verse. He is writing to us so that we may NOT sin. In other words, the proper lifestyle of a true believer in Jesus Christ is not sinfulness, but rather it is righteousness. Yes, God will forgive us for sin as we faithfully confess it. But God's forgiveness is not permissiveness. The Apostle Paul would chime in with the Apostle John in the Book of Romans:
Romans 6:1–2
[1] What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? [2] By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? (ESV)
We are not to live in sin any longer. If sin has become your lifestyle you may want to re-evaluate your relationship with God. Make sure that you have actually given your life to him. One who is content to live in sin is exhibiting a character and a nature that is not consistent with a baptized and regenerated child of God.
Yes, we will sin. And there is a need to confess. Additionally, John tells us, we have an advocate. What is an advocate? Imagine a defense attorney being your advocate. Who brings accusation against you? Satan, the accuser of the brethren. Who defends us? Jesus , our advocate! Praise his name. He has our back.
How do you view sin? Has it become your lifestyle? If so, confess it and receive forgiveness. Remember, that the Savior defends you against the accusations of the enemy.
Right on. We are challenged to Godliness. If we set our goals low, we will surely reach them.