Ephesians 5:31
[31] “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (ESV)
As we have been discovering, God's ideal for marriage is a most blessed and beautiful union. While our culture has come to all kinds of conclusions about marriage, some downright bizarre, God's plan for the marriage relationship is beautiful. His ideal involves the husband loving his wife sacrificially and leading her as the spiritual head of the home. God's plan involves the wife joyfully following this man, who leads in the same way that Christ leads the church, cherishing and nourishing her.
I cannot emphasize enough that marriage is a beautiful relationship that has been instituted by God. In recent years, we have been faced with the challenge of a culture that looks at God's standard for marriage and cries out: "Unfair! Judgmental! Discriminating!" Men declare that they want to marry men. Women demand to marry another woman. Society looks at the guidelines and parameters that God places on marriage and they assume that God says no to their demands because he is not loving. The opposite is true.
God knows what is best for his children. There is no one who knows what is best for us better than our heavenly father. Paul tells us in this verse the same thing that Moses wrote down in Genesis 2:24. A man will leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh. God does not leave room for any different combination of genders. Is this because God is unloving? No. It is precisely because God is loving that he ordains for us what is best. We need to be careful that we do not allow ourselves to ever take a view of God that disrespects his will. Society may reject God's plan. Society is wrong. God's way is always best.
Thank God for his wonderful plan. If you struggle with his plan talk to him about it. His way is best. He will help you to understand his plan. He loves you.
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