Ephesians 5:29–30
[29] For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, [30] because we are members of his body. (ESV)
Suicide is one of the most horrible tragedies that can ever happen. When one makes the decision to take their own life the loved ones who are left behind wrestle with the question of why? In the midst of the darkness and depression that a suicidal person is going through they are somehow unable to see the value in living, the value in themselves, and the value that other people have discovered about them. Paul says in this verse that no one ever hated his own flesh. This would argue that when we are functioning normally and as God designed we would cherish our flesh, and not be willing to discard it.
There is a reason that I am making this point. When we consider the marriage relationship we need to understand that in marriage God has made one body out of two. Just like it would be a horrible tragedy to take one's own life, it would equally be a tragedy to put an end to the relationship life of your spouse. In a healthy and normal situation one nourishes and cherishes their body, they do not discard it. Do you see how divorce is such an awful thing? It is not normal. It is tragic. It goes against God's design.
For the final argument Paul then says that we, as believers in Jesus Christ, have become one with Him! He is the perfect husband for his bride. He shows us how marriage is supposed to work by demonstrating right relationship in how he treats the church. And how does he treat the church, his body? He nourishes and cherishes it! What a wonderful Savior.
How can you nourish and cherish your spouse? How does the example of Christ nourishing and cherishing the church give you hope and encouragement?
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