Ephesians 5:8
[8] for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (ESV)
Light is an amazing thing. It is necessary for life to happen. It is necessary to see a lego on the floor so as not to step on it and experience mind-numbing pain. It exposes darkness. Light is a most powerful force. And as we continue to look at this verse of Scripture we discover that as believers in Jesus Christ we are now described as light in the Lord. Wow!
How bright are you shining? I hope you are not a dim bulb! It is a sobering thing to think that God has placed his light within us in order for us to shine in this dark world. Many times our culture will go through a terrible tragedy and people begin to ask, "Where is God in all of this darkness?" The reality is, that he is in each one of his children. If people have to ask where God is, could it be that we are not shining as brightly as we ought to?
Paul says that we are to walk as children of light. This means that we cannot simply possess the light and hide it. Rather, we are encouraged to shine it brightly for him. When Paul refers to how we walk he is always talking about our need to act in purity and righteousness. It is only as we act in the same ways as our Savior that His light will be seen through us. Here is how Paul admonished the church at Phillippi:
Philippians 2:15
[15] that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, (ESV)
Christian, your priority in this dark world is to shine. How bright is your light? Can anyone in this dark culture around you see the light in you? How can you give more control to the Lord and shine more brightly?
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