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Ephesians 4:20-21: The Way You Learned Christ

Ephesians 4:20–21
[20] But that is not the way you learned Christ!—[21] assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, (ESV)

How have you learned Christ?  Was it through the minister at your local church?  Was it through reading the Scriptures on your own?  Was it a friend or family member who shared with you the truth about Jesus Christ?  Paul has just been talking about those who do not know Christ, and how they are led by their own sensuality.  And he now says that it is not the pursuit of our own sensuality that teaches us about Christ.

I want to hop up on one of my soap boxes today.  I am concerned about the current church in America and how its members are learning Christ! Many of the worship songs in our churches fail to address the woeful sin nature of mankind and instead teach that God was so pathetically incomplete without us as his children that he sent Christ to die for us.  As if God needed anything. 

How have you learned Christ?  I challenge you to look deeply at some of the words in modern worship songs.  Do they elevate Man or Christ?  The Gentiles, the godless, the heathen, they elevate mankind.  Christ glorifies himself.  And if we have learned of him correctly, we will glorify him as well.

How have you learned Christ?  Is the teaching and preaching of your church focused on a sovereign God, who calls wretched sinners unto salvation through his bountiful grace?  Or do you hear from the pulpit that you can speak things into existence and God has to come running at your whim and make things happen for you?  Do you chase after so-called prophecies that tantalize you and parallel modern psychics?  How have you learned Christ?

There is a contrast between true followers of Jesus Christ and those that do not know him.  Paul has been addressing that contrast here in Ephesians 4.  Be very careful that you are found to be a true follower.  If you are elevating your own sensuality do not claim to truly know Jesus Christ.  How have you learned Christ?  If it is not in the context of an acknowledgment of your own wretched sinful nature and your absolute dependence on a holy God to save you through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross you may have no confidence that you know him at all!

How have you learned Christ? I pray that you have humbled yourself and exalted Him.  He will not share his glory with another.  He did not die on the cross satisfy your sensuality. He died to forgive your sin and call you to a life of holiness. We are to put the flesh to death.  Are you dead yet?  
