Ephesians 4:4
[4] There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— (ESV)
When you go to your church does the word, "oneness," come to mind? When you think of the church at large do you think that the world sees us as being one with one another? Are we one with God? Paul has expounded on how God has called us together as one body. He tells us that the practical aspect of this is that we should be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
If we want the unity that we are to be eager to maintain, we must understand what it means to celebrate oneness! There is one body. In so many ways it seems that the Body of Christ is splintered and separated. Those who claim to know Jesus won't talk with another brother or sister in the Body because of some silly grudge or petty argument.
Paul says that there is one body and one spirit. If we think about that for a moment it would help us greatly. One spirit. In other words, the same Holy Spirit of God that dwells in you dwells in that brother or sister in Christ that you have a hard time dealing with. What if each of us spent more time listening to the One Holy Spirit that lives in each of us, instead of listening to our flesh and ignoring the One Spirit who wants to talk with us.
I am convinced that if we truly realized the Spirit at work in all of the church members we would not be engaged in such foolishness. Additionally, we can gain so much insight about God by listening to our brothers or sisters in Jesus because of the One Spirit we share together. I am a pastor and teacher. When I teach a Bible study I want to always encourage people to share their heart. As they do I am able to hear from the same Holy Spirit that lives in me, but is speaking through them. I learn so much more that way.
How about this one hope. Our hope is our inheritance. We are all living for the next life! What gives us one hope together is that Christ has redeemed a people for himself. We share this one hope of eternal life together. And if we are going to be together forever it ought to give us hope in this life.
Does the world look at the way you live your Christian life and see Oneness? Do they recognize you as belonging to one body, one Spirit, and having one hope? What changes do you need to make in order to be one with the rest of the body of Christ?
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