Ephesians 4:1
[1] I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, (ESV)
Have you ever been reprimanded by a parent because your behavior was disgracing the family name? While that may have been harsh to experience it is understandable for a family that has a great reputation to want to maintain that reputation. We sometimes need to be reminded who we belong to. It is kind of the same way when we consider that we belong to the family of God.
Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 4:1 to walk in a manner worthy of the calling. In the first three chapters he has expounded on the calling of God to sinners. We have been predestined. We have been saved. We have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Our calling is an amazing thing considering just how deserving we were of God's wrath. Paul says, you have been called, now act like it.
The first three chapters of Ephesians are theological. The last three chapters are practical. Paul will instruct us in how a truly called Christian should act. This is good information to know. I fear that as I look at the church today I see many people who call themselves Christians who are not walking in a manner worthy of the calling.
If we have been truly changed by the power of God, and cleansed by the blood of our Savior, it ought to prompt us to live a different life. Our goal is to honor our Savior, not to be loved by the world. Paul started this verse by saying, "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord." If we are going to walk in a manner worthy of the calling there will be a price that is paid. We will be persecuted. Who knows? We may even be imprisoned. Paul was eventually beheaded. Walk worthy my friends.
How is your walk? Maybe your theology is correct, but how are you treating your neighbor? Does God the Father need to remind you today that you represent the family of God? Walk worthy.
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