Ephesians 2:4
[4] But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, (ESV)
In verses 1-3 of this chapter we hear some really bad news about our life before Christ came to give his life for us. We were spiritually dead, led by Satan himself, and objects of God’s wrath. It is important to never forget about the original condition of every man and woman. Without God intervening on our behalf, we are guaranteed to receive God’s wrath. And the fact is, God is under no obligation whatsoever to be merciful. But God . . .
I love those two words that begin verse 4. “But God.” But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us.” So many people are rebelling against a God that they do not know and do not understand. If they actually knew him they would not want to rebel against him. But, as we have already discovered, knowing God can only happen as God initiates that knowledge. One of God’s divine characteristics is his mercy and love. His wrath is justified against our sin, BUT GOD pours out his wrath on his Son, while offering mercy and love to us. What an amazing offer.
The world around us is full of people who are condemned eternally. They need to hear a message of mercy and love. The Gospel that we are told to preach is good news. It is the news that our condemnation can be given to Jesus. He paid the price for our sin. Yes, we are deserving of God’s wrath, . . . But God! What a wonderful way to sum up the Gospel message, . . . “But God.”
Who do you need to talk to today that needs to hear the message, “But God.”? Who do you know that is in danger of God’s eternal wrath? Co-workers? Classmates? Family Members? Ask God to show you how to tell them . . . But God!
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