Ephesians 1:7–8
[7] In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, [8] which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight (ESV)
Throughout the eons of time, our amazing God has called millions and millions of people of every people, tribe and nation unto himself. It is staggering to think how abundant and amazing his grace truly is. We were forgiven, as Paul says here in Ephesians, according to the riches of his grace. What an endless supply of grace he must have. That grace that has saved so many is available to save even more.
In our daily lives we get so overwhelmed. We are weak and fallen creatures. The enemy of our souls whispers to us that God does not truly care about us. But Paul reminds us that God redeemed us and and forgave us according to the riches of his grace. He owed us nothing. He gave us everything.
Verse 8 expounds to us that not only is God's grace abundant in its totality, but it is abundant in the way in which it is distributed. God does not give you a little bit of his grace. He does not just give you the grace that saves you. But he lavishes his grace upon us, in all wisdom and insight.
We do not understand why God would sacrifice himself for ungrateful sinners. But, that sovereign gracious act of God is in accordance with his wisdom and insight. What a beautiful reminder that the wisdom of God and the wisdom of man are not the same. We are fools compared to his great wisdom. In our own wisdom we try to save ourselves and only tighten the noose more tightly around our necks. In God's wisdom, we are set free by his gracious gift.
Friend, be encouraged today. God's grace is not limited. It is endless and it is for you. Praise him throughout the day that he has called you unto himself. His grace abundant, and it is abundantly poured out on you. All praise to our wise and gracious God.
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